Statement in the May 2018 draft of the Montgomery County Bicycle Master Plan (page 38) on shoulders and conventional bike lanes.

"Some confident cyclists prefer bike accommodations that support even faster, more efficient travel between destinations. They are willing to sacrifice some separation from traffic in order to maintain continuously higher speeds, avoid pedestrian conflicts, bypass obstacles, and maintain right-of-way at intersections. They may want to enter, exit, and re-enter the bikeway freely, and they can find separated bikeways cumbersome to navigate. Many separated bikeways may be inappropriate for the speeds they travel. Such riders often prefer accommodations that are moderate in stress but not high stress, including striped bike lanes, bikeable shoulders and non-residential shared roadways. In addition, many recreational riders prefer riding in such facilities, especially outside urban centers and in parks. Therefore, this plan provides the following guidance: Where space is available and does not substantially detract from the default bikeway, conflict with another master plan recommendation or exceed the master plan right-of-way, bike lanes or bikeable shoulders can be added in addition to the default bikeway, in some cases overlapping with on-street parallel parking.

"Moreover, before taking away existing shoulders or parking lanes, road designers and future planners should be cognizant that cyclists often ride in these spaces, even if they are not specifically identified as bikeways in this plan.

"In addition, this plan specifically recommends several roads as having two bike facility types - both a separated bikeway (such as a sidepath) and unseparated bikeway (such as conventional bike lanes and bikeable shoulders). These are typically roads that have existing shoulders or bike lanes frequently used by cyclists."

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